“I am fortunate to be a presenter in their sustainable seafood Chef’s Demonstration that features local celebrity Chefs from San Francisco. “I am very excited to be back this year and excited to present a fantastic sustainably farmed fish from right here in California. As a matter of fact, this is the only farm of its kind here in California.” – Chef Eric Magnani
The Fish: Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Eric explains that he “discovered this amazing product while having dinner at a Berkeley restaurant run by a friend of mine. She told me about the program and I immediately looked into it and now have switched all of my trout usage from Idaho products to this one. I have reduced my carbon footprint by using this local product and am supporting a California business that is trying to grow the sustainable fishing industry through a rigorously managed aqua farm that focuses on low carbon footprint based fish feed.”The first year Eric presented a rock shrimp from Belize that had a truly unique approach to eliminating their carbon footprint. Last year, Eric demonstrated a wild sustainable Arctic Char from the northern Pacific that is a great substitution for the beleaguered Pacific Salmon.This year Chef Eric Magnani presented:
Black Garlic Aioli, Tomato Marmalade and Red Romaine Slaw
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